Monday, March 5, 2012

I've Got Your Number

Hello ?  I’m so sorry, my phone stopped ringing just before I could pick up the receiver when you called me a minute ago.”

“Wot me? Hm...Don' fink so m'dear- I jus' rung me daugh’er but she weren't in...I'll give 'er a call la’er. She's prob'ly orf aht.  Pickin' up ‘er kids from school 'bout now, she'd be, I s’pose.  ‘Oo are you then?”

“You misunderstand me.  You rang me.  I  dialed 1471 and the recorded message gave me your number as being the last to call.  I'm merely returning that call to ascertain who phoned...”

“Weren't me, luv. 'Ow would I phone you when I dunno yer number, le'alone yer name?”

“I expect you mis-dialled...”

“Couldn' a done.  I knows me gal's number off by 'art – four, seb’en, seb’en, one, one, nine. See, it's easy!”

“Ah, that explains it.  Mine is four, seven, seven, one, one, eight - an easy mistake to make if one's fingers slip a little on the buttons.”

“Wot ya sayin'? I ain't got no slipp'ry fingers! They’s too damn stiff wiv arfritis to be slipp'ry no more - though they use ter tickle them pianna keys real good...arh...My Ma learned me some, an' the res' sorta come on its own. Mmm... nuffin' I enjoyed better'n playin’ for fowks ter sing-along…hm...You like singin', Missus? I reckon you sounds like a singer, wiv ‘at voice o' yorn. Yeh.. got lotsa  notes wrapped in it when ya speaks...ain' I righ’?”

“As a matter of fact, you are...”

“I ‘new it! Me ears works fine, even if me fingers 'ave give up . It's drat  cold wevver gets to 'em, y'know? Makes 'em sieze up somefin' cruel. Can't 'ardly 'old me mug o’tea of a mornin'...
Yeh… ‘at reminds me, it's about time I put me kettle on the gas for me a’ternoon cuppa. You won't mind me ringin' off nah, eh? I likes to keep to me rou'ine - 'elps make sense of me days, yer see... doin' the same fings at the same times... hum...well, I'll say g'bye m'dear. Nice 'avin a chat, ag'in, any time. Ta da!” 

(This was a creative writing homework- 'Write a piece in two 'voices'.' Hope you manage to read it! LOL )

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29th 2012

With Leap Year being on the minds of some, I thought I'd contemplate the implications of this date, too! And my cynical thinking came up with this...

Do I spy an MCP?

A leap year could inspired a girl
to try and make her man's heart whirl
by proposing they should marry.
"Say yes, darling? Do not tarry..."

The question, once it strikes his mind,
may, of a sudden make him find
the last thing he would ever do
is end up saying 'I love you'
and promising 'Till death do part',
to cleave to but one single heart.

He'd rather stand guard, raise his shield
and carry on to play the field!
"The world is full of comely maids
almost begging to be laid..."

Linked to IGWRT and d'Verse